Review : "Ayalum Njanum Thammil"

Lal Jose and Ravi Tharangan's magic finds success to evoke the sentimental feelings around the web of "Ayalum Njanum Thammil". This Romantic thriller speaks out the life of Ravi Tharagan, in which implementation of scenes from the brilliant script of Sanjay-Bobby, really takes you to the other side of the emotions. Splendid performances from the cast makes this Lal Jose directorial "Ayalum Njanum Thammil" an impressive one. Don't miss this....

      It is the journey of Ravi Tharagan's life where his college life, love, profession, frienship and his anticipations are shown here. All right, it begins with the relationship between a committed doctor Dr.Samuel (Prathap Pothen) and Ravi Tharagan (Prithviraj), a Junior doctor, who is not bothered about
his responsibilities. Dr. Samuel is devoted to his profession and lives alone. We won't want to reveal so much that's not fine. So, first half remains in enjoyable mood till the interval, where humor, love and college life is discussed.

        Second half shots to the serious mode with the changes happened in the life of Ravi Tharagan by some unwanted incidents following with his friendship weave the rest of the climax of "Ayalum Njanum Thammil". Its all about Prithviraj show with his excellent acting which made this movie "Ayalum Njanum Thammil" a special one. Prithviraj supports the character Ravi Tharagan so elegantly that it could be his best performance. Prathap Pothen made another character a livable one. Samvrutha Sunil portrayed the female lead, her short and simple role suits the proceedings. Kalabhavan Mani also done a good job in his character, while Narain, Rima Kallingal, Salim Kumar, Remya Nambeeshan, Anil Murali, Swasika and others made the best out of their short stint.

          Direction is the key here, in which Lal Jose gains the top notch in showcasing this serious film in a emphatic way. Director Lal Jose knows how to implement each scene perfectly which suite the script. Sanjay and Bobby teams best script may be after "Traffic". Jomon T.John's cinematography provide good feel to the emotions, while Ranjan Abraham's cuts make more sense to this visual treat. With the lyrics of Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma, Music by Ouseppachan gives a special treatment to the surroundings. For the banner of Prakash Movie Tone, Prem Prakash is the producer of this malayalam movie "Ayalum Njanum Thammil".

             If you felt the emotions of malayalam film "Ayalum Njanum Thammil", then just write it down below through comments.....


  1. very good movie. COngrats to Lal Jose, sanjay-bobby, Pritviraj an mr Prathap pothen. I felt like watching a Padmarajan movie. Great experience. Dont miss IT.


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